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Axle Contemporary
a mobile artspace based in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Vidrios y Los Muertos
Elodie Holmes & Jannine Cabosel, Stacey Neff, Partick Morrisey, Bruce Hamilton & Susanna Carlisle, Holly Goldstein, Anne Staveley, Cia Fredrich, Ira Lujan, Jerry Wellman, Matthew Chase-Daniel
Holmes Cabossel Friedrich | Stacey Neff |
Anne Staveley | Anne Staveley |
Jerry Wellman | Matthew Chase-Daniels |
Matthew Chase-Daniels | Matthew Chase-Daniels |
Susanah Carlisle Bruce hamilton | Cia Fredricks |
Jerry Wellman | Ira Lujan |
GoldsteinSm.jpg | Patrick MorrrisonPrairie Dog Candlesticks |
Anne Staveley | Jerry Wellman |
Ira Lujan | Spooner Marcus |
Spooner Marcus | Cia Freidrich |
Thelma and Dave |
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