Axle Contemporary
a mobile artspace based in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Community Screenprinting
Holiday Show & Sale -- 2020
See what has been happening in the studio recently. And see some work from other screen-printing artists in the community.
Some of the work is for sale! Support the studio and the artists!
Purchase info below.

works from our invited guest artists

works for sale, examples from the studio
Not for sale, but enjoy having a look at what is happening in the studio
Links to artists' and organizations' websites
Coe Center: https://www.coeartscenter.org/category/outreach-education/hands-on-curatorial-program/
Three Sisters Collective: https://threesisterscollective.org
Axle Contemporary: https://www.axleart.com
Eric J. Garcia: https://www.ericjgarcia.com
Terran Last Gun: https://terranlastgun.com
Miguel Gonzales: https://www.instagram.com/miguel_gonzo
Robert Harkness: www.robertharkness.com
Lynnette Haozous: https://lynnettehaozous.com
Christine Hernandez: www.cluballsad.com
Tim Jag: http://www.timjagart.com
April Jouse: https://www.apriljouse.com
Israel Haros Lopez: https://alasdeagua.com
Nina Mastrangelo: http://www.ninamastrangelo.com
Rae Miller: https://www.raemiller.art
Mindplosion: https://mindplosion.net
Eliza Naranjo Morse: https://www.elizanaranjomorse.com
Keep Santa Fe Multicultural: https://keepsantafemulticultural.org
The Red Nation: https://therednation.org
Fernando Romo, Global Commons: www.Gcactnow.com
Henry's Top Shop: www.henrystopshop.com
David Sloan: https://todichiiniirudeboy.com
If you would like to purchase anything, give a call to Matthew from Axle Contemporary at 505-670-5854, who can process your credit card over the phone.
Matthew can arrange shipping or pickup/dropoff in Santa Fe.
Tax will be added for sales in New Mexico.
Shipping is $10 for most items.