Axle Contemporary
a mobile artspace based in Santa Fe, New Mexico


Winning Proposals
Winning proposals will receive $40 are listed here, with a new one added each week in June and July 2023. Winners also receive a dedicated webpage and email and social media promotion from Axle.
Leviathan O'Neil- Functional Sculpture
Rosemary Carroll- Interpretive Dances for Sasquatch
Rachel Manera- Not This, Not That
Helen Walters- Fred Walter Memorial Reading and Display
Christy Hengst- Art in the Loo
In 2014, we produced an exhibition called Economologies. Part of that was a series of small (tiny) grants for arts projects: five grants of ten dollars each. We named those NANOGRANTS. Now, nine years later, we are reprising the idea.
Our 2023 Nanogrants series has been adjusted for inflation and everything else that has happened in the past decade. We will now offer six grants in the amount of forty dollars each. In addition to the money delivery, over the course of six weeks In June and July we will publish and promote one recipient’s proposal and project information each week on our website and social media channels.
As an arts organization with an interest in the experimental we are open to hearing and seeing all ideas, including ones that originate outside of traditional artistic disciplines. What would you want to do with forty dollars?
Axle Contemporary’s NANOGRANTS application is open to New Mexico residents only, but proposed projects may take place anywhere. Please send a proposal by email to submissions@axleart.com with the word “NANOGRANTS” in the subject line. Or if you prefer OG technology, send by post to Axle Contemporary, PO Box 22095, Santa Fe, NM, 87502. Proposals may include written text, images, videos, sound recordings, performance, or whatever medium you may think of that is best used to convey your ideas.
Submissions closed
Selected proposals will receive $40 and a dedicated webpage on Axle Contemporary’s website (www.axleart.com), which will include the proposal, weblinks, artist (or other practitioner) information, social media handles, and images, video, and other stuff (as relevant).
See our past NANOGRANT winning proposals here.