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V. Amore, Henry Aragoncillo, Laurie Archer, Phillip Augustin, Brad Bealmear, Jonathan Blaustein, Gay Block, Iscah Hunsden Carey, Matthew Chase-Daniel, Carola Clift, William Clift, Eric Cousineau, Guy Cross, Ungelbah Davilla, Antone Dolezal, Dianne Duenzl, Jennifer Esperanza, Steve Fitch, Patricia Galagan, Kirk Gittings, Lydia Gonzales, Sondra Goodwin, Meggan Gould, Lauren Greenwald, James Hart, Sol Hill, Megan Jacobs, Jen Judge, David Michael Kennedy, Lisa Law, Willis F. Lee, Louis Leray, Patti Levey, Tamara Lichtenstein, Herbert Lotz, Jessamyn Lovell, Richard Lowenberg, Helen Maringer, Gabriella Marks, Elliot McDowell, Nick Merrick, Philip Metcalf, Lia Moldovan, Duane Monczewski, Delilah Montoya, Sarah Moore, Jonathan Morse, Joseph Mougel, Teresa Neptune, Nic Nicosia, Clay Peres, Jane Phillips, Daniel Quat, Dave Reichert, Meridel Rubenstein, Janet Russek, Kate Russell, Ward Russell, Tara Raye Russo, Key Sanders, Celia Luz Santos, Suzanne Sbarge, David Scheinbaum, Jennifer Schlesinger Hanson, Andrea Senutovitch, Frances Seward, Laura Shields, Brandon Soder, Catie Soldan, Nancy Sutor, Anne Staveley, Sharon Stewart, Jamey Stillings, Robert Stivers, Dianne Stromberg, Jim Stone, Martin Stupich, Carrie Tafoya, Laurie Tümer, Lisa Tyrrell, Marion Wasserman, Melanie West, Will Wilson, Baron Wolman, Francesca Yorke, Joan Zalenski, and Zoë Zimmerman

Autophotography: Herb Lotz

Autophotography: Herb Lotz

Autophotography:  Amore

Autophotography: Amore

Autophotography: Aragoncillo

Autophotography: Aragoncillo

Autophotography: Augustine

Autophotography: Augustine

Autophotography: Bealmear

Autophotography: Bealmear

Autophotography: Blaustein

Autophotography: Blaustein

Autophotography: Litchenstein

Autophotography: Litchenstein

Autophotography: Block

Autophotography: Block

Autophotography: Carey

Autophotography: Carey

Autophotography: Chase-Daniel

Autophotography: Chase-Daniel

Autophotography: Carol Clift

Autophotography: Carol Clift

Autophotography: William Clift

Autophotography: William Clift

Autophotography: Cosineau

Autophotography: Cosineau

Autophotography: Guy Cross

Autophotography: Guy Cross

Autophotography: Davilla

Autophotography: Davilla

Autophotography: Dolezal

Autophotography: Dolezal

Autophotography: Duenzl

Autophotography: Duenzl

Autophotography: Esperanza

Autophotography: Esperanza

Autophotography: Fitch

Autophotography: Fitch

Autophotography: Galagan

Autophotography: Galagan

Autophotography: Gittings

Autophotography: Gittings

Autophotography: Lidia Gonzales

Autophotography: Lidia Gonzales

Autophotography: Sondra Goodwin

Autophotography: Sondra Goodwin

Autophotography: Gould

Autophotography: Gould

Autophotography: Lauren Greenwald

Autophotography: Lauren Greenwald

Autophotography: Jamie Hart

Autophotography: Jamie Hart

Autophotography: Sol Hill

Autophotography: Sol Hill

Autophotography: Jacobs

Autophotography: Jacobs

Autophotography: Jennifer Judge

Autophotography: Jennifer Judge

Autophotography: Kennedy

Autophotography: Kennedy

Autophotography: Laurie Archer

Autophotography: Laurie Archer

Autophotography:  Lisa Law

Autophotography: Lisa Law

Autophotography: Lee

Autophotography: Lee

Autophotography: Louis Leray

Autophotography: Louis Leray

Autophotography: Patti Levey

Autophotography: Patti Levey

Autophotography: Lovell

Autophotography: Lovell

Autophotography: Richard Lowenberg

Autophotography: Richard Lowenberg

Autophotography: Maringer

Autophotography: Maringer

Autophotography: Gabrielle Marks

Autophotography: Gabrielle Marks

Autophotography: Elliott McDowell

Autophotography: Elliott McDowell

Autophotography: Merrick

Autophotography: Merrick

Autophotography: Metcalf

Autophotography: Metcalf

Autophotography: Moguel

Autophotography: Moguel

Autophotography: Moldovan

Autophotography: Moldovan

Autophotography: Monczewski

Autophotography: Monczewski

Autophotography: Delila Montoya

Autophotography: Delila Montoya

Autophotography: Moore

Autophotography: Moore

Autophotography: Morse

Autophotography: Morse

Autophotography: Neptune

Autophotography: Neptune

Autophotography: Nic Nicosia

Autophotography: Nic Nicosia

Autophotography: Clay Peres

Autophotography: Clay Peres

Autophotography: Phillips

Autophotography: Phillips

Autophotography: Quat

Autophotography: Quat

Autophotography: Reichert

Autophotography: Reichert

Autophotography: Meridel Rubenstein

Autophotography: Meridel Rubenstein

Autophotography: Russek

Autophotography: Russek

Autophotography: Kate Russell

Autophotography: Kate Russell

Autophotography: Ward Russell

Autophotography: Ward Russell

Autophotography: Tara Russo

Autophotography: Tara Russo

Autophotography: Key Sanders

Autophotography: Key Sanders

Autophotography: Celia Santos

Autophotography: Celia Santos

Autophotography: Suzanne Sbarge

Autophotography: Suzanne Sbarge

Autophotography: David Schienbaum

Autophotography: David Schienbaum

Autophotography: Schlesinger-Hanson

Autophotography: Schlesinger-Hanson

Autophotography: Andrea Senutovitch

Autophotography: Andrea Senutovitch











Autophotography: Stewart

Autophotography: Stewart

Autophotography: Jamie Stillings

Autophotography: Jamie Stillings

Autophotography: Robert Stivers

Autophotography: Robert Stivers

Autophotography: Stone

Autophotography: Stone

Autophotography: Diane Stromberg

Autophotography: Diane Stromberg

Autophotography: Martin Stupich

Autophotography: Martin Stupich

Autophotography: Nancy Sutor

Autophotography: Nancy Sutor

Autophotography: Tafoya

Autophotography: Tafoya

Autophotography: Tumer

Autophotography: Tumer

Autophotography: Tyrell

Autophotography: Tyrell

Autophotography: Marion Wasserman

Autophotography: Marion Wasserman

Autophotography:  Melanie West

Autophotography: Melanie West

Autophotography: Will Wilson

Autophotography: Will Wilson

Autophotography: Baron Wolman

Autophotography: Baron Wolman

Autophotography: Francesca York

Autophotography: Francesca York

Autophotography: Joan Zalenski

Autophotography: Joan Zalenski

Autophotography: Zoe Zimmerman

Autophotography: Zoe Zimmerman

Purchase the book here.




Named as a Best Book of the Year 2013 by THE magazine

An exhibition which includes many of the most compelling photographers working now in the state.  We invited these artists to exhibit works of self-portaiture.  The participants include photographers known for diverse genres:  Landscape, portraiture, architectural, commercial, fashion, environmental, conceptual, journalism, abstract, and wedding photography. The walls of our small gallery were hung densely with the work of 88 individuals, creating a portrait of our photographic community, by the photographers themselves.

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