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The Artist Is In

Paula Castillo, Charlie Carrillo, Erika Wanenmacher, Stacey Neff, August Muth, Thelma Mathias, Michael Schippling, Don Kennell, Charles Greeley & Bunny Tobias, Woody Vasulka, Steina, Cheri Ibes, Kathleen McCloud, Lara Nickel, Gail Rieke, Sondra Goodwin.

Axle Contemporary The Artist is in

Axle Contemporary The Artist is in

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in  Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Axle Contemporary

The Artist is in Axle Contemporary

The Artist is in  Axle Contemporary

The Artist is in Axle Contemporary

The Artist is in  Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in  Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in  Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in  Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in  Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in  Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin



The Artist is in Stacey Neff

The Artist is in Stacey Neff

The Artist is in  Gail Rieke

The Artist is in Gail Rieke

The Artist is in  Gail Rieke

The Artist is in Gail Rieke

The Artist is in  Lara Nickel

The Artist is in Lara Nickel

The Artist is in  Lara Nickel

The Artist is in Lara Nickel

The Artist is in  Lara Nickel

The Artist is in Lara Nickel

The Artist is in  Lara Nickel

The Artist is in Lara Nickel

The Artist is in  Lara Nickel

The Artist is in Lara Nickel

The Artist is in  Lara Nickel

The Artist is in Lara Nickel

The Artist is in  Lara Nickel

The Artist is in Lara Nickel

The Artist is in  Lara Nickel

The Artist is in Lara Nickel

The Artist is in  Kathleen McCloud

The Artist is in Kathleen McCloud

The Artist is in  Kathleen McCloud

The Artist is in Kathleen McCloud

The Artist is in  Kathleen McCloud

The Artist is in Kathleen McCloud

The Artist is in  Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in  Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in  Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in  Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in  Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in Cheri Ibes

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in Woody and  Steina

The Artist is in Woody and Steina

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka



The Artist is in Woddy Vasulka

The Artist is in Woddy Vasulka



The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Steina

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in Woody Vasulka

The Artist is in

The Artist is in

The Artist is in

The Artist is in

The Artist is in Tobias and Greeley

The Artist is in Tobias and Greeley

The Artist is in Tobias and Greeley

The Artist is in Tobias and Greeley

The Artist is in Tobias and Greeley

The Artist is in Tobias and Greeley

The Artist is in Bunny Tobias

The Artist is in Bunny Tobias

The Artist is in Charles Greeley

The Artist is in Charles Greeley

The Artist is in Tobias and Greeley

The Artist is in Tobias and Greeley

The Artist is in Don Kennell

The Artist is in Don Kennell

The Artist is in Don Kennell

The Artist is in Don Kennell

The Artist is in

The Artist is in

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Sondra Goodwin

The Artist is in Michael Schippling

The Artist is in Michael Schippling

The Artist is in Michael Schippling

The Artist is in Michael Schippling

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias



The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Stacey Neff

The Artist is in Stacey Neff

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Erika Wanenmaker

The Artist is in Charlie Carrillo

The Artist is in Charlie Carrillo

The Artist is in Charlie Carrillo

The Artist is in Charlie Carrillo

The Artist is in

The Artist is in



The Artist is in Paula Castillo

The Artist is in Paula Castillo

The Artist is in

The Artist is in

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias

The Artist is in Thelma Matthias




Over the course of 4 days, each artist had a 1 1/2 hour time to present artwork of her/his art in the gallery and sit inside with it.  The artist spent that time with whoever stopped in, and spoke about whatever the artist wished.  Artists:  Paula Castillo, Charlie Carrillo, Erika Wanenmacher, Stacey Neff, August Muth, Thelma Mathias, Michael Schippling, Don Kennell, Charles Greeley & Bunny Tobias, Woody Vasulka, Steina, Cheri Ibes, Kathleen McCloud, Lara Nickel, Gail Rieke, Sondra Goodwin.


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