Axle Contemporary
a mobile artspace based in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Accidental Photography
July 1st - July 24th, 2016
Since the beginnings of photography there have been accidental photographs. Although these are most often tossed, many unintentional photographs provide a compelling but unforeseen perspective or create a successful abstract composition. Cartier-Bresson’s “decisive moment” is now indecisive in the taking of the image and the role of the photographer has moved to recognition of a successful image on the editing table. This genre of photography, Accidental Photography, has gained prevalence with the profusion of digital photographic technologies.
We come across the accidental photo often with a sense of amusement or wonder and we judge it differently from other images. It may meet a criteria we had not expected, invoke a new aesthetic standard or a narrative quality; or it may act as a conceptual springboard. Can a happy accident become a work of art? The exhibition presents a selection of accidental photographs by New Mexico-based photographers who responded to our request to send us their compelling mistakes and random acts of photography.
Craig Anderson, Philip Augustin, Evalyn Bemis, Cary Cluett, Margo Conover, Carla Cooper, Glen Craley, Rick Fisher, Kirk Gittings, Bobby Gutierrez, Megan Jacobs, Dave Kite, Mary Kite, Marina LaPalma, Richard Lowenberg, Celia Luz, Rachel Manera, Gabriella Marks, Tom Martinelli, Cyndy McCrossen, David O’Brien, Rebecca O’Day, Rachel Preston Prinz, Janet Russek, Ward Russell, Tara Raye Russo, Michael Schippling, Elizabeth Shores, Brandon Soder, Catie Soldan, Jon Soliday, Anne Staveley, Dianne Stromberg, Michael Sumner, Nancy Sutor, Victor Teng, Don Usner, Francesca Yorke, Joan Zalenski
New Mexico Spotlights the Photographic Arts
Visit the PhotoSummer website here.
View the digital program guide here.
Download the PhotoSummer 2016 program guide (pdf) here.
PhotoSummer on Twitter: https://twitter.com/photosummernm
This exhibition is part of PhotoSummer. PhotoSummer is a collaborative initiative that strives to represent and actively promote historical and contemporary photography in New Mexico.
PhotoSummer 2016
PhotoSummer, now in its second year, is a collaborative initiative that represents and actively promotes historical and contemporary photography in New Mexico. Taking the rich legacy of photography in New Mexico as a point of departure, the exhibitions and public programs around PhotoSummer represent the continued energy and support of the photographic arts in the region. The main goal of PhotoSummer is to feature photo-based programming every summer through exhibitions, talks, workshops and more.
PhotoSummer 2016 is organized by UNM Art Museum and 516 ARTS in Albuquerque and CENTER in Santa Fe. It features public programs in both cities, focusing on photography that spans regional, national and international artists, curators and scholars. This year, partners include Axle Contemporary, American Society of Media Photographers and Santa Fe University of Art and Design in Santa Fe, which will expand the programming and offer more opportunities for people to engage with the photographic medium.
Support for PhotoSummer provided by the City of Santa Fe Arts Commission.