Axle Contemporary
a mobile artspace based in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Upcoming mobile gallery schedule
Thursday Genoveva Chavez, 9-3
Friday joins us at the opening for Big Happy 1300 Luisa, 5-7
Saturday Canyon Rd. 10-5
Sunday New Mexico Museum of Art, 10-5
Monday closed
Send us images and proposals, if you'd like to show at Axle.
works on paper, installation, performance
and more
Axle Contemporary programming is supported by Axle Projects, Inc. Axle Projects is supported through individual donations, grants, including Sulica, and partially funded by the City of Santa Fe Arts & Culture Department and the 1% Lodgers’ TaxThis project is made possible in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Exhibitions in the Santa Fe Railyard are made possible through the support of The Railyard Art Project. If you are interested in supporting Axle Projects, visit the website here.